Savana Mara

Fly smart
with savana mara Aviation

Brand Identity and Visualisation of a Southern African Private Charter Service Provider

Client: Savana Mara Aviation.
Industry: Aviation.
Discipline: 3D Visualisation, Brand Identity.
Project Team: Lloyd Agyekumhene, Linus Fordjo, Omnia Reda, Mahmoud Saeed.

Savana Mara Aviation

Our team has given a Southern African private chater service provide (Savanna Mara) a brand new identity. Taking an inspiration from the exisisting brand and colour pallet, our team transformed Savana Mara's old logo into new logo to redefine their identity. The original logo had a full image of a lion, unfortunately the logo was too generic presenting difficulties in easily identifying the company's brand logo. The colour pallet that was originally used was predominantly dark brown and lacked a lively feel amongst the company's competitors. We redesigned the logo into a more usable and recognisable symbol, and played around with the sheds of brown to come up with a luxuary, lively feel to the company's brand identity. Flipbox was also tasked with the redesigning of the company's marketing assests.