
Clinical trial & DOMICILIARY CARE
With Rumax Limited

Rumax Limited provide specialised and focused support for clients through mobile clinical trial services and domiciliary care services. They contacted us when they needed to re-brand and build a new website. They have been around for over 10 years and operate with the same marketing material they started with. They had branding but it hasn’t been touched in over 10 years.

Brand Identity Development.

We maintained Rumax’s previous branding colour pallet but enhanced it and made a few adjustments. One of the main objectives was to breathe some kind of life into the branding. The previous colours used by Rumax were rather dull and could not reflect the aspect of life.

Rumax Limited

• Logo Design
• Re-branding
• Professional Email Signatures (HTML)

Defining Project Development
Rumax Limited offers two different services namely Clinical trial services and domiciliary care services. The Rumax variant logo depicts vital key features that reflect the organisation’s main services at the same time the aspect of care, life, joy etc.

Our Brand Assets

Rumax also tasked us to design a brochure and a clinical guidebook for their clients. Using the brand Identity, we incorporated the design elements for Rumax on the brochure and guide book.

Rumax Limited

Clickable Email Signatures And office stationery
The brand identity was then distributed across all marketing assets to help support brand awareness and the day-to-day running of the business in general. The assets designed included for online use and print. We also designed and developed clickable/responsive email signatures that would directly take clients to the preferred service via email or visit the website in general.