Website Design

Our experienced web designers and full-stack web developers are equipped to turn your vision into a reality. As a reputable website development company, we are always equipped with knowledge of the latest technology. From LAMP to MEAN, business websites to custom web applications – we do it all!

Userflow & Wireframe

The inspiration derives from your branding (if you have any). In some cases you may not have done your branding(check our branding section) and in such case scenarios, we will have a vaguely defined idea of your brand or simply assist you from scratch. Once we have read and understood your business, the benefits of your services or product, we create a mock template. From there we are able to set up low-fidelity wireframes for your webpages.

Design & Development

We start off with the layout of your homepage. Through various simplified illustrations, we communicate your business values and product in a visually appealing style. We start the development as soon as the web design has been successfully approved. This stage translates all the features and designs into a fully functional website with web flow.

Web testing & Optimisation

Before we publish your website, we do our diligent assessment of every feature on the website such as making sure it is SEO optimised. We make sure both desktop and mobile versions are user-friendly. We go further checking possibilities of adding Cloud-flare integrations for extra security or simply creating your multilingual website via Wiglot.